Our Services

Expressive and Receptive Language

Receptive language refers to the ability to comprehend spoken or written language (including Auslan, gestures, etc). Expressive language refers to the ability to express words, gestures, symbols, and body language to communicate our wants and needs.

Speech Sounds

This involves the ability to use clear speech when speaking. Articulation errors include difficulty making individual speech sounds due to difficulty with getting the articulators (tongue, lips, etc) into the correct positions.

Early Language

This refers to language development in the first few years of life. This is a very important period for learning early language skills. Parents play a very important role in stimulating language and there are a range of techniques a parent can use to stimulate this.

Social Communication

Involves the ability to communicate in a social context. Social skills are important for forming friendships, maintaining conversations and interacting with others.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Includes the ability to communicate using one’s body, low tech paper-based resources (i.e. PECS, PODD), and high tech devices (i.e., Go-talk, Eye-gaze, iPad applications such as LAMP and Prologuo2Go)


Swallowing difficulty is also known as ‘dysphagia’, and includes any difficulty with drinking, eating, sucking, swallowing, chewing and protecting the lungs from food or drink going down the wrong way. Speech pathologists may suggest recommendations to change the textures of food or drink, and provide techniques and exercises to help with safe swallowing.


This includes the skills of reading, writing and spelling. Literacy is important for education, working and communicating. This includes the skills of reading, writing and spelling. Literacy is important for education, working and communicating.

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy is the assessment and treatment of a person’s face, jaw and mouth. It involves therapy to strengthen the jaw muscles, retrain the tongue’s position in the mouth and teach a new way for people to swallow and produce speech sounds.

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